Girls Golf

  Golf Girls 7th-12th Developmental Camp
  6/3/2025 - 7/29/2025
  9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  South High School:Zigfield

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Camp will be held at Zigfield Troy Driving Range on 75th Street.  

This camp is once a week for 5 weeks.  The first two weeks of summer and the last three weeks of summer.  Please see the dates listed below.  Athletes can still register even if they can't attend all 5 dates.  
June 4th and 11th (9-11am)
July 16th, 23rd and 30th (9-11am) 

Camp t-shirts will be passed out the last week of camp.  


Tuesdays Only

Funds collected for this camp may be used for: coaches pay and professional learning, team equipment, uniforms, camps, team culture events, workshops, and/or athletic trainers.

There will be a $10 fee for any camp cancellations since staffing for each camp is based on enrollment.